Extagen Review - Managing Digital Certificates Using the Certificate Lifecycle Management Tool
Managing digital certificates is an important part of website authentication. An SSL certificate is required for viewing secure pages on the Internet. SSL is a short name for Secure Socket Layer. It ensures that only trusted servers can access the information contained in a site's SSL certificate. Certificate management refers to a procedure for managing multiple digital certificates over their life cycle, from issuance to expiry. However, many organizations still rely on manual processes, many of which are ineffective and time-consuming.
One of the most time-consuming aspects of managing digital certificates is getting the information into the right format. Manually entering expiration dates, security codes, and other sensitive information can be time consuming and unsuccessful. To automate this process and make it easier for users to understand their certificates, some IT companies are turning to IT infrastructure providers that offer automated managing digital certificates applications. Extagen, a leading provider of internet asset management solutions, recently announced the availability of its suite of enterprise mobility solutions, which include managing digital certificates.
Digital certificates obtained from multiple servers must be stored and organized according to their expiration dates. Extagen's suite of technologies provides the tools necessary to automate the process of managing digital certificates. Users can input the expiration dates for all of their certificates using a web-based interface. They can then receive notifications each time there is a change in the list of certificates that need to be renewed. Automation allows businesses to avoid renewal cycles that lead to extra spending and unnecessary errors.
Another benefit of utilizing Extagen's suite of web-based lifecycle management solutions is the ability to implement policies to maintain brand reputation and customer satisfaction. Many businesses have experienced a decrease in conversion rates and a corresponding increase in return traffic as a result of missing or late updates to digital signatures. By startups of renewals and extensions, businesses can ensure that updates to their brand signature will be distributed automatically as soon as the update becomes available. Businesses can also set policies to allow or prevent specific customers from obtaining certain versions of their certificates.
Certificates bought through a trust provider remain subject to the provisions of the SSL security standards. To stay compliant, businesses must ensure that every purchased application adheres to the security standards. IT professionals can utilize Extagen's suite of services to automate the management of SSL certificate lifecycle compliance. startups enables IT managers and security leaders to monitor, track, and report lifecycle compliance.
Digital certificates provide a useful tool for businesses planning to establish online presence. Consumers need to be able to verify the authenticity of websites they visit. An organization's reputation can be severely affected if consumers cannot trust the organization's websites. Security experts and other professionals in the information security field utilize Extagen's SSL management system to maintain client trust and to manage certificates safely.
In order to establish trust in digital certificates and prevent unauthorized access, organizations must employ security measures. In most cases, this is achieved by securing sensitive information. startups that do not store private information in the secure server are at a disadvantage when it comes to securing digital certificates. When an application requests sensitive information, it should first authenticate itself using a digital private key (DPC). Once startups is verified and authorized to proceed, a request for a private key must be sent through an offline storage facility. Once the server receives the request, it checks the authenticity of the signature on the DPC and checks the digital certificate for validity.
A major benefit of Extagen's SSL discovery tool is the automatic generation of response headers. startups of certificates requires IT professionals to manually discover certificate lifecycle management keys. This prevents IT personnel from prematurely authorizing a site to use a secure URL and could expose sensitive company data. When handled properly, discovery of these keys reduces the risks of management negligence and increases the efficiency of the process.